sound mind seattle & sound mind europe

virtual mental health care for washington residents and expats

Life gets hard for everyone, no matter where you live or where you came from. Therapy can be a safe place to find support, clarity, and kindness when things are difficult.

I enjoy working with young adults who are struggling with life transitions, decisions, depression and anxiety. And as an ADHD expat myself, I can offer some personal understanding in these realms.

Now is a great time to reach out.

I am now scheduling virtual appointments for Washington state residents and English-speaking ex-pats abroad. I bring a culturally-sensitive, international perspective to client sessions no matter where you are located in the world.

Hello darkness, my old friend…

Together, we’ll work toward empathy for the ways life has been unkind to you, and the ways you’ve been unkind to yourself.

We’ll get to know - and maybe even like - your shadow side.

As we start to understand all the pieces that make up who you are and gain an awareness of your challenges and strengths, we’ll develop tools to access emotions and cope with daily life that that you can carry with you wherever you end up next.

Change follows acceptance

We can’t change until we start to accept who we are. All of your strange and dark parts are welcome here! The first part of our work together will be simple conversation about who you are and what you’re looking for in therapy. Getting to know each other and finding safety together is essential to our relationship. Then we grow from there.


I have immediate openings now for virtual sessions.

For US clients, my availability is limited to mornings (7am-12pm PST). For international clients, I also offer afternoon and evening slots (CET).

At this time, I am not accepting insurance and am not part of a national healthcare system. This means you will pay up-front for your sessions. However, it also allows us to schedule much more quickly and gives me professional freedom to customize our sessions and offer a unique approach. I also offer a sliding-scale discount; please inquire for details.

I am happy to provide an invoice/superbill you can submit to your insurance or the healthcare system. They may offer some reimbursement for out-of-network (OON) providers like me.

Who Am I?

While a therapist doesn’t always need to share your life experience in order to truly understand and support you, it can help to know they’ve been there! I have some personal experience in the following realms:

  • ADHD (and parenting children with ADHD and sensory processing difficulties)

  • Religious trauma and deconstruction

  • Complex and family-of-origin trauma (C-PTSD)

  • Stay-at-home parenting, homeschooling, re-entering the workforce

  • Anxiety, depression, fatigue

  • Developing interpersonal boundaries and healthy relationships

So much for the hard stuff! How about something fun?

Fun is actually really important to me. Like real fun, not lame adult fun. I also love to travel internationally. My family and I actually just relocated to Sweden and are loving it here so far. Ex-pat life has not been without its challenges, but it suits us. I also write songs and play music, and restore old furniture. I love a good side-hustle!

And who might you be?

I welcome clients of any age with a variety of struggles, including depression/anxiety, parenting, family, and women’s concerns, and ADHD-related challenges. I enjoy working with people in their teens, twenties and thirties. At this point I am not taking clients with domestic violence concerns or active suicidality but I would be happy to send you some resources and referrals.

therapy lingo

If this isn’t your first time in therapy, the following might mean something to you (and if not, we’ll cover it when we meet):

I have worked toward my master’s level degree in clinical mental health counseling from a US-based CACREP-accredited school (Adams State University in Alamosa, Colorado). I hold an Associate’s license in the state of Washington and am currently under the supervision of Bonnie Deopp, LMHC, CN. I hold active membership in the American Counseling Association (ACA) professional organization.

I approach therapy from a person-centered, humanistic lens, which means we’ll focus a lot on our therapeutic relationship, honesty and acceptance, emotions and experience, and a little less on structured methods or homework.

However, I take a flexible approach and seek to customize my approach to your needs. I encourage an open dialogue about how therapy’s going and will ask for your feedback along the way.

We’ll generally meet weekly and start by getting to know each other, then start to explore some of the themes that start to emerge. Together we’ll make connections between your present and your past, and explore the emotions and beliefs that may be keeping you stuck and unable to move forward.

It is amazing to watch how painful things “unstick” once they know they’ve been believed and witnessed.

still wiTh me?